

Healthy digestive system ayurvedic formulation Digeshills has the carminative & bowel cleansing properties of Haritaki, Triphala, Belgarba gently cleanses the intestinal walls ensuring regular bowel movements. Antioxidant & digestive properties of Ajma, Jeera, Chitrak, Indrajav detoxifies the digestive toxins and thus aid digestion & metabolism. Also effective on associated problems like gas, acidity & flatulence.


Package Price Per pill Savings Order
30 tablet lei 86.92 lei 2.90
60 tablet lei 105.27 lei 1.75 lei 68.57
120 tablet lei 128.20 lei 1.07 lei 219.48
180 tablet lei 146.55 lei 0.81 lei 374.97

Digeshills Tablets - Healthy Digestion Formula

Herbal Hills, the trusted and leading manufacturer of Herbal supplements present Digeshills a healthy Digestion formula. This herbal formula is a unique combination of Ajma, Belgarbha, Sunthee, Haritaki, Jeera, Kutaj, Chitrak, Indrajav, and Triphala. These herbs may exert carminative, antioxidant, bowel cleansing & digestive properties to help promote healthy digestion.


Take 1 tablet twice daily preferably after meals or as recommended by the physician. For better results, it should be taken with warm water.


Pregnant or lactating women are advised to consume Herbal Products under the advice of the Healthcare Practitioner. Store in a cool dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Protect from sunlight.


This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.