Generic Ticagrelor - , Brilinta, Brand Brilinta, Rifadin, Sporanox Capsule

  • Generic Brilinta

    • 90mg

    Ticagrelor helps to prevent platelets in your blood from sticking together and forming a blood clot. An unwanted blood clot can occur with certain heart or blood vessel conditions. It makes risk of stroke repeating lower.

    A$ 3.01
  • Brilinta®

    • 90mg

    Brilinta® is used to lower your risk of having a stroke or serious heart problems after you have had a heart attack or severe chest pain (angina) by prewenting blood clots forming.

    A$ 4.51
  • Generic Rifadin

    • 150mg
    • 300mg
    • 450mg
    • 600mg

    Rifadin is an antibiotic that fights bacteria and prevents it from spreading in your body. Rifadin is used to treat or prevent tuberculosis (TB). Rifadin may also be used to reduce certain bacteria in your nose and throat that could cause meningitis or other infections. Rifadin prevents you from spreading these bacteria to other people, but this medicine will not treat an active meningitis infection.

    A$ 0.75
  • Generic Sporanox Capsule

    • 100mg
    • 200mg

    Sporanox (itraconazole) is an antifungal medication that fights infections caused by fungus. Sporanox is used to treat infections in adults caused by the fungus, which can invade any part of the body including the lungs, mouth or throat, toenails, or fingernails.

    A$ 2.25
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