Générique Aloe - , Aloe Vegie, Anti-dandruff Shampoo, Anti-wrinkle Cream, Deep Cleansing Apricot Face Wash, Intensive Face Moisturizing Lotion, Keshohills, Nourishing Body Lotion, Nourishing Skin Cream, Protective Sunscreen Lotion, Bowelcare

  • Aloe Vegie®

    • 1mg

    Herbal Hills has created a unique formation of Aloe that is the natural form of Aloe vera in an encapsulated form for the betterment of overall human health. It is synergistically processed with highly advanced technology at Herbal Hills, the well-known and one of the most trusted manufacturers of herbal supplements. These dietary supplements are free from any chemical substances to maintain the purity and efficacy. With a rich source of nutrients and beneficial medicinal properties, this aloehills may promote healthy digestion and improved immunity. This capsule is basically known for overall body health.

    € 0.18
  • Anti-Dandruff Shampoo®

    tea tree oil, aloe vera
    • 100ml

    Anti-Dandruff Shampoo® gently removes dandruff, and nourishes and strengthens hair roots, ensuring a healthy scalp. Natural ingredients help moisturize the hair, preventing dryness. It addresses the root cause of dandruff such as Malassezia fungus and dry scalp, while being gentle on hair. Fortified with herbal ingredients like Tea Tree Oil, Chickpea and Aloe Vera, Himalaya's Anti-Dandruff Shampoo effectively helps control dandruff and provides nourishment to the hair shaft.

    € 6.13
  • Anti-Wrinkle Cream®

    grape, aloe vera
    • 50g

    Anti-Wrinkle Cream® - a powerful anti-wrinkle cream that delays the onset of skin aging. Rich in natural alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), vitamins skin nutrients and herbs minimize oxidative damage and keep skin soft and supple.

    € 10.13
  • Deep Cleansing Apricot Face Wash®

    apricot, aloe vera, red lentil, neem
    • 100ml

    Deep Cleansing Apricot Face Wash® gently removes dead skin cells and unclogs pores to reveal softer and smoother skin. It eliminates blackheads and prevents the recurrence of acne.

    € 7.36
  • Intensive Face Moisturizing Lotion®

    country mallow, aloe vera, indian madder
    • 100ml

    Intensive face moisturizing lotion® - a specially developed formulation for extra dry skin. Even if you have normal skin, use it in dry winter months when a normal moisturizing lotion just will not do. It is enriched with herbs like Aloe vera, Indian Madder and Country Mallow, that provide extra nutrients and enzymes to nourish and moisturize your skin when you need it the most. Indications: Extra dry skin & winters Skin following exposure to environmental extremes, pollutants and temperature variations Ingredients Include: Sida cordifolia (Country Mallow, Bala) Aloe barbadensis (Barbados Aloe, Kumari) Rubia cordifolia (Indian Madder, Manjishtha)

    € 7.05
    • 1mg

    The anti-aging & rejuvenating properties of ingredients in Keshohills tablet acts as an excellent tonic to hair and scalp, may help to enhance pigmentation & delay premature graying of hair. All the properties of Keshohills Tablet help in giving speedy, effective and complete result in Hair Care.

    € 0.18
  • Nourishing Body Lotion®

    winter cherry, aloe vera
    • 100ml

    Himalaya’s Nourishing Body Lotion combines 100% herbal actives to restore your body’s water content, as varying weather conditions make skin lose its moisture. The non-greasy body lotion leaves skin feeling soft, supple and toned. Blended with all-natural ingredients such as Aloe Vera and Winter Cherry, which are known for their intense hydrating properties, our body lotion deeply penetrates into the skin to moisturize it fully.

    € 5.82
    • 50g

    Nourishing Skin Cream® - an all-day moisturizer that nourishes and protects skin. Nourishing Skin Cream contains Barbados Aloe, which has skin softening and moisturizing properties, and Winter Cherry, an effective antioxidant, which scavenges the free radicals that are responsible for skin aging

    € 5.52
  • Protective Sunscreen Lotion®

    aloe, ginger, crab apple
    • 100ml

    Protective Sunscreen Lotion® - skin protection from harmful UV rays with SPF 15. Spiked Ginger Lily protects skin from UV rays, Aloe vera moisturizes the skin, Greater Galangal is a natural sunscreen agent, and Crab Apple) prevents premature skin aging

    € 12.27
  • Bowelcare®

    • 1mg

    Bowelcare® facilitates satisfying elimination by cleansing the intestinal walls, helping to remove toxins and waste and improving peristalsis. Excellent for rejuvenating the gastrointestinal tract, Bowelcare® is a warming nurturing demulcent, providing soothing support for the colon.

    € 0.28
  • Clarina Anti-Acne Face cream®

    ghrita-kumari, manjishtha, vatada
    • 30g

    Clarina Anti-Acne Cream has antimicrobial, astringent, anti-inflammatory, anti-scar, and antioxidant properties that keeps acne at bay.

    € 7.36
  • Clarina Anti-Acne Face mask®

    ghrita-kumari, jalavetasa, haridra
    • 75ml

    Clarina Anti-Acne Face Mask® contains natural form of salicylic acid - a keratolytic & comedolytic agent. Contains the goodness of herbs like Turmeric and Neem.

    € 6.13
  • Clarina Anti-Acne Face Wash gel®

    ghrita-kumari, nimba, haridra
    • 60ml

    Сlarina Anti-Acne Face Wash gel® prevents excess sebum production and addresses the root cause of acne. It is enriched with herbal ingredients.

    € 6.13
  • Diabecon

    • 60pills

    Diabecon is an ayurvedic blend of over 30 herbs and minerals and provides gentle and safe glycemic control. It promotes glucose utilization and helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. It helps maintain healthy triglycerides and cholesterol levels. Diabecon supports healthy pancreatic functions and promotes beta cell regeneration. The main function of the pancreas is to produce insulin in just the right amount to maintain constant glucose levels in the body. Beta cells in the pancreas are responsible for producing insulin.

    € 9.20
    • 1mg

    Femohills Soft Capsules - Women's Health. Ayurvedic Women’s Health tonic Femohills capsule has the uterine properties of Shatavari, Ashoka, Nagkeshar may help to regulate the menstrual cycle and maintains menstrual flow. May help to nourish & strengthen the female reproductive system. The analgesic & anti-inflammatory properties of Dashamoola, Lodhra may reduce inflammation of the uterus & helps in controlling symptoms like leucorrhoea & menorrhagia. All the herbs in Femohills provide healthy hormonal balance.

    € 0.31
    • 1mg

    Ayurvedic blood cleanser formula hemohills has blood purifying, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial & anti-inflammatory properties of Manjishtha, Sariva, Neem, Kumari, which are helpful in blood purification.Laxative properties of Triphala, Balharde are effective in colon cleansing & detoxifying blood. The rejuvenating properties of Punarnava may help in skin disorders. All these properties makes this formula as an excellent blood purifier

    € 0.18
  • Naron®

    • 100g

    Dérivée d’une formule unique à base de plantes provenant d’un ancien héritage de la médecine indienne, la Naron est destinée à une application topique et se présente sous la forme d’une crème traitante à base de plantes pour une utilisation intra-vaginale. La Narone provoque des contractions au niveau des muscles lisses du vagin qui perdent de leur fermeté ou de leur élasticité suite à de multiples accouchements, à la ménopause ou même à des avortements à répétition qui résultent en un relâchement, une fragilisation et un ramollissement des parois vaginales.

    € 7.36
  • Penon

    • 100g

    La crème Penon est une formule Ayurvédique Topique à base de plantes hautement testée qui donne une amélioration globale de la force du pénis, du serrage et même de la longueur et du diamètre du pénis. Penon est idéal pour de nombreux adultes qui ont de la difficulté à pénétrer en raison de pénis lâche et qui ont du mal à continuer à faire l’amour pour longtemps en raison de mauvaises érections et éjaculation précoce.

    € 7.73
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