Generisches Clonidine - , Catapres, Cosopt, Januvia

  • Generisches Catapres

    • 100mcg

    Katapres (Clonidin) senkt den Blutdruck, indem die Konzentrationen von Chemikalien im Blut verringert. Dies alles führt dazu, dass der Blutdruck sinkt und die Herzfrequenz vermindert. Die Catapres-Marke von Clonidin wird zur Behandlung von Hypertonie (hoher Blutdruck) verwendet. Die Kapvay-Marke von Clonidin wird verwendet, um Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) zu behandeln.

    € 0.37
  • Generisches Cosopt

    dorzolamide, timolol
    • 2% + 0.5% 5ml

    Generic Cosopt is used to treat certain types of glaucoma and other causes of high pressure inside the eye. Dorzolamide reduces the amount of fluid in the eye, which decreases pressure inside the eye. Timolol is a beta-blocker that also reduces pressure inside the eye.

    € 36.85
  • Generisches Januvia

    sitagliptin phosphate
    • 25mg
    • 50mg
    • 100mg

    Sitagliptin is an oral diabetes medicine that helps control blood sugar levels. It works by regulating the levels of insulin your body produces after eating. Sitagliptin is for people with type 2 diabetes. It is sometimes used in combination with other diabetes medications, but is not for treating type 1 diabetes.

    € 1.94