

GERIFORTE also known as StressCare in the US is a herbal ayurvedic formulation. Geriforte acts as an antioxidant, antistress and adaptogenic tonic. It provides a broad range of health benefits proven by clinical studies. Geriforte helps delay the physiological conditions that cause aging, accelerates cell regeneration and repair. It increases physical capacity, raises the threshold of fatigue and promotes overall well-being.


Balení Cena Pomocí láhev Úspora Objednat
1 lahvička Kč 1038.12 Kč 1038.12
2 lahvička Kč 1384.54 Kč 692.27 Kč 691.69
3 lahvička Kč 1730.96 Kč 576.99 Kč 1383.38

Geriforte bottle

What is this herbal medicine?

GERIFORTE also known as StressCare in the US is a herbal ayurvedic formulation. Geriforte acts as an antioxidant, antistress and adaptogenic tonic. It provides a broad range of health benefits proven by clinical studies. Geriforte helps delay the physiological conditions that cause aging, accelerates cell regeneration and repair. It increases physical capacity, raises the threshold of fatigue and promotes overall well-being.

Diabecon ingredients and composition

  • Extracts: Chyavanprash concentrate Capers (Himsra, Capparis spinosa Linn.)
  • Wild chicory (Kasani, Cichorium intybus)
  • Tree turmeric (Daruharidra, Berberis aristata)
  • Arjuna (Jhavuka, Terminalia arjuna)
  • Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
  • Negro coffee (Kasamarda, Cassia occidentalis)
  • Tamarisk (Jhavuka, Tamarix gallica)
  • Asparagus (Shreta musli, Asparagus racemosus)
  • Licroice (Yashti-madhu, Glygrrhiza glabra)
  • Indian pennywort (Mandukaparni, Centella asiatica)
  • Mineral pitch (Shilajeet)
  • Chebulic myrobalan (Haritaki, Terminalia chebula)
  • Loosestrife (Shreta musli, Asparagus adscendens)
  • Teri pod (Udakiryaka, Caesalpinia digyna)
  • Cow-itch (Kapikachhu, Mucuna pruriens)
  • Nutmeg (Jatiphala, Myristica fragrans)
  • Indian long pepper (Pippali, Piper longum)
  • Mace (Jatiphala, Myristica fragrans)
  • Thistles (Eclipta alba)
  • Elephant creeper
  • (Vriddadaru, Argyeria speciosa)
  • Biotite calx (Abhrak bhasma)
  • Zinc calx (Yashad bhasma)
  • Saffron (Kumkuma, Crocus sativus)
  • Ferric oxide (Mandur bhasma)
  • Clove (Lavangaha, Syzygium aromaticum)
  • Cardamomum (Ela,Elettaria cardamomum)
  • Bishop's weed (Yavani, Carum copticum)
  • Turmeric (Haridra, Curcuma longa)
  • Staff tree (Jyotishmati, Celastrus paniculatus)
  • Iron calx (Loh bhasma)

Herb functions:

  • Geriforte is a rejuvenative tonic that helps to slow down aging
  • Geriforte is an adaptogenic that reduces stress
  • Geriforte increases physical fitness and reduces fatigue
  • Geriforte provides immunomodulatory benefits that enhances the body's immunity
  • Geriforte helps to regulate metabolism and improves digestion and assimilation
  • Geriforte is an excellent adjuvant during prolonged illness and convalescence
  • Geriforte promotes healthy cardiovascular and respiratory functions


  • Day to day stressful conditions
  • Mental and physical exhaustion
  • Convalescence



Recommended dose:

Generally 1 tablet, twice daily with meals. Natural products treat not just the symptoms but the body as a whole and take time for absorption and results

Note: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat your problem without consulting your doctor.