
LKC® effectively supports both the liver and the kidneys as disorders of one affect the other. LKC® helps treat all types of hepatitis, jaundice and anemias and regulates fat metabolism.


Sending Pris Per kapsel Besparelse Ordre
60 kapsler kr 334.23 kr 5.57
120 kapsler kr 501.62 kr 4.18 kr 166.83
180 kapsler kr 613.21 kr 3.41 kr 389.47

LKC herbal capsules

What is this herbal medicine?

LKC® effectively supports both the liver and the kidneys as disorders of one affect the other. LKC® helps treat all types of hepatitis, jaundice and anemias and regulates fat metabolism.


1-2 capsules with food and water twice daily for at least 3months or as directed by your health care provider. Safe for long term use.
For hepatitis, kidney support and infections, recommended with Organic India Neem and Organic India immunity®.


Hepatitis A, B, C and others, jaundice, hepatopathy with oedema and ascitis, fatty liver, alcoholic & other types of cirrhosis and anemia.

Each capsule contains 325mg:

  • Organic Bhumyamalaki whole herbs* - 125mg
  • Organic Kahki rhizome with root*
  • Organic Punarnava root*
* Certified Organic Herbs

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