Generikus Yashtimadhu - , Yashtimadhu, Menosan, Septilin Drop, Ayurslim, Bleminor Anti Blemish Cream, Femohills, Kofhills, Migrahills

  • Yashtimadhu

    • 60pills

    Yashtimadhu (Licorice/Glycyrrhiza glabra) has been used for sweetening candies for generations. It is also one of the world's most widely researched herbs for its role in supporting the body’s normal digestive function.

    Ft 3586.21
    • 1mg

    Menosan® - a herbal drug that relieves the symptoms associated with perimenopause. An herbal alternative for hormone replacement therapy.

    Ft 159.55
    • 60ml

    Septilin’s immunomodulatory, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties are beneficial in maintaining general well-being. It increases the level of antibody-forming cells, thereby elevating the body’s resistance to infection. Septilin stimulates phagocytosis (elimination of bacteria through ingestion) by macrophage (white blood cells) activation, which combats infection.

    Ft 2388.81
  • Ayurslim

    • 60pills

    AyurSlim is a natural herbal remedy to manage body weight. AyurSlim helps control craving for food thereby reducing the intake of fats and carbohydrates. It also leads to optimal utilization of nutrients. AyurSlim supports fatty acid synthesis, thereby reducing fat accumulation in the body.

    Ft 5382.30
  • Bleminor Anti Blemish® Cream

    • 30g

    Bleminor egy anti-folt krém jelezte, a hiperpigmentáció miatt változatos vérszint, mint az UV-sugarak, öregedés, melasma, post-sérülés utáni gyulladásos reakciók.

    Ft 5384.70
    • 1mg

    Femohills Soft Capsules - Women's Health. Ayurvedic Women’s Health tonic Femohills capsule has the uterine properties of Shatavari, Ashoka, Nagkeshar may help to regulate the menstrual cycle and maintains menstrual flow. May help to nourish & strengthen the female reproductive system. The analgesic & anti-inflammatory properties of Dashamoola, Lodhra may reduce inflammation of the uterus & helps in controlling symptoms like leucorrhoea & menorrhagia. All the herbs in Femohills provide healthy hormonal balance.

    Ft 119.64
    • 1mg

    Kofhills Tea Tablets - Natural Adjuvant For Common Cold & Cough.Ayurvedic Kofhills Tea Tablets have antibacterial, antifungal & immuno-modulating properties of Kali Miri, Dalchini, Lavang, Sunthee Lemongrass, Elachi which may help to support immunity health. May help clear throat irritation, cough and cold. May help maintain healthy respiratory system.

    Ft 107.67
    • 1mg

    Migrahills may have the analgesic & anti-inflammatory properties of Godanti Bhasma & Dashmoola which help to control a headache. The antacid properties of Sajjiskshar may control hyperacidity, which causes Migraine. The nootropic properties of Brahmi & Shankhushpi may help control the nervous system & brain activity. It also helps in keeping the mind calm and stress-free.

    Ft 63.76