Genéricos Geriforte syrup - , Bresol Syrup, Bro-zedex Syrup, Geriforte, Geriforte Syrup, Koflet Syrup, Mentat Syrup, Orapred Syrup, Phenergan Syrup, Renalka Syrup, Talekt Syrup

    • 100ml

    Bresol Syrup® - a potent herbal combination of Tulasi, Vasaka and Haridra. Bresol is an Ayurvedic medicine for chronic respiratory disorders, allergies.

    € 5.69
    • 100ml

    Bro Zedex® Xarope pertence à classe de medicamentos conhecidos como mucolíticos. O medicamento é indicado para limpar o muco do trato respiratório. Também é utilizado na cura da tosse, secreção mucosa e inflamação pulmonar. Também ajuda na cura de congestão no peito. Bro Zedex® é mais comumente usado para tratar a tosse com muco, mas também pode ser utilizado para tratar outras condições da seguinte forma: asma, tuberculose pulmonar, distúrbio pulmonar obstrutivo crônico, dor de garganta, doenças broncopulmonares agudas e crônicas associadas a secreção mucosa incomum, enfisema.

    € 8.54
  • Geriforte

    • 100pills

    GERIFORTE also known as StressCare in the US is a herbal ayurvedic formulation. Geriforte acts as an antioxidant, antistress and adaptogenic tonic. It provides a broad range of health benefits proven by clinical studies. Geriforte helps delay the physiological conditions that cause aging, accelerates cell regeneration and repair. It increases physical capacity, raises the threshold of fatigue and promotes overall well-being.

    € 23.73
  • Geriforte Syrup

    • 200ml

    GERIFORTE also known as StressCare in the US is a herbal ayurvedic formulation. Geriforte acts as an antioxidant, antistress and adaptogenic tonic. It provides a broad range of health benefits proven by clinical studies. Geriforte helps delay the physiological conditions that cause aging, accelerates cell regeneration and repair. It increases physical capacity, raises the threshold of fatigue and promotes overall well-being.

    € 52.19
    • 200ml

    Mentat Syrup® - a brain tonic made from potent Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha, known to relive anxiety and induce calmness. It also improves mental concentration and alertness.

    € 11.85
  • Genéricos Orapred Syrup

    • 15mg/5ml

    Orapred (prednisolone) xarope contém prednisolona, que é um glicocorticóide. Os glicocorticóides são esteróides adrenocorticais, tanto naturais como sintéticos, que são facilmente absorvidos pelo trato gastrointestinal. Prednisolone o xarope é indicado nas seguintes condições: distúrbios endócrinos, reumáticos, hematológicos; estados alérgicos e edematosos; doenças do colágeno, dermatológicas, oftalmológicas, respiratórias, gastrointestinais e neoplásicas; meningite tuberculosa com bloqueio subaracnoide ou bloqueio iminente usado simultaneamente com quimioterapia anti-tuberculosa apropriada.

    € 10.44
  • Genéricos Phenergan Syrup

    • 100ml

    Generic Phenergan belongs to a group of drugs called phenothiazines. It works by changing the actions of chemicals in your brain. Promethazine (the active ingredient) also acts as an antihistamine. It blocks the effects of the naturally occurring chemical histamine in your body. Phenergan is used to treat allergy symptoms such as itching, runny nose, sneezing, itchy or watery eyes, hives, and itchy skin rashes. Phenergan also prevents motion sickness, and treats nausea and vomiting or pain after surgery. It is also used as a sedative or sleep aid.

    € 9.49
  • Renalka Syrup

    • 100ml

    Relieves painful/burning urination. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of Renalka soothe the inflamed mucosa, and alleviate the burning sensation or pain that occurs during urination.

    € 12.30
  • Talekt Syrup®

    nimba, haridra
    • 120ml

    Talekt Syrup® contains unique herbal ingredients. It offers potent antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral activities effective against different types of skin infections.

    € 9.47
  • Triphala Syrup®

    • 200ml

    An immensely popular Ayurvedic herbal formula, Triphala(Terminalia chebula,Terminalia bellirica and Emblica officinalis) is an effective bowel cleanser. It combines the goodness of India. Gooseberry, Belleric Myrobalan and Chebulic Myrobalan, which work together to produce effective bowel movements. The herbal compound provides overall support for digestion and helps ensure that the digestive tract works at optimal levels. Triphala relieves constipation and regularizes the digestive system, without disrupting the fluid-electrolyte balance in the body. The herbs that make up Triphala are found in abundance in India.

    € 9.48
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