Jenerik Cyclosporine - , Neoral, Restasis, Brand Restasis, Aciphex, Alesse, Alli, Aralen, Bactrim, Biaxin, Calan
Jenerik Neoral
cyclosporine- 25mg
- 50mg
- 100mg
Generic Neoral is used for preventing the rejection of organ transplants (kidney, liver, and heart). This medicine is also used to treat psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis in certain patients.
€ 2.85 -
Jenerik Restasis
cyclosporine- 0.05% 3ml
Cyclosporine bir bağışıklık bastırıcıdır. Cyclosporine ophthalmic (göz içinde kullanılmak üzere) göz (ler) de iltihapla azaltılmış gözyaşı üretimini artırabilir. Cyclosporine ophthalmic, enflamasyonun neden olabileceği kronik kuru gözü tedavi etmek için kullanılır.
€ 32.30 -
cyclosporine- 0.05% 0.4ml
Restasis®- Keratokonjonktivit sicca ile ilişkili oküler inflamasyon nedeniyle baskılandığı tahmin edilen hastalarda gözyaşı üretimini baskıladığı düşünülen Allergan tarafından yapılan %0,05 siklosporin içeren oftalmik emülsiyon. Topikal antienflamatuar ilaçlar alan veya punktal tıkaç kullanan hastalarda gözyaşı üretiminde artış görülmedi.
€ 5.23 -
Jenerik Aciphex
rabeprazole sodium- 10mg
- 20mg
Generic Aciphex is used to treat symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and other conditions involving excessive stomach acid such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. It is also used to promote healing of erosive esophagitis (damage to your esophagus caused by stomach acid).
€ 0.58 -
Jenerik Alesse
levonorgestrel bp + ethinylestradiol bp- 0.10mg + 0.02mg
- 0.15mg + 0.03mg
- 0.25mg + 0.05mg
Generic Alesse is used for preventing pregnancy.
€ 1.24 -
orlistat- 60mg
Alli® (orlistat), fazla kilo vermeye çalışan aşırı kilolu yetişkinler için hazırlanmış, reçetesiz satılan bir ilaçtır. Orlistat vücudunuz tarafından absorbe edilmesini önleyerek yediğiniz yağın bir kısmını bloke eder. Orlistat kilo kaybına yardımcı olmak için veya zaten kaybedilen kilo alma riskini azaltmak için kullanılır. Bu ilaç, düşük kalorili bir diyet ile birlikte kullanılmalıdır. Orlistat sadece yetişkinlerde kullanım içindir.
€ 3.11 -
Jenerik Aralen
chloroquine phosphate- 250mg
- 500mg
Jenerik Aralen (klorokin), insan vücudunun kırmızı kan hücrelerindeki parazitlerin büyümesine müdahale ederek çalışan bir sıtma ilacıdır.
€ 0.66 -
Jenerik Bactrim
trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole- 400mg + 80mg
- 800mg + 160mg
Generic Bactrim kulak enfeksiyonları, idrar yolu enfeksiyonları, bronşit, gezgin ishali ve Pneumocystis carinii pnömonisi tedavi etmek için kullanılırdır.
€ 0.47 -
Jenerik Biaxin
clarithromycin- 250mg
- 500mg
Generic Biaxin is in a group of drugs called macrolide antibiotics. It is used to treat many different types of bacterial infections affecting the skin and respiratory system. It is also used together with other medicines to treat stomach ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori.
€ 1.74 -
Jenerik Calan
verapamil- 40mg
- 80mg
Generic Calan is used for treating supraventricular tachycardia, a rhythm disturbance of the heart. It is also used for controlling heart rate response to other rhythm disturbances, specifically atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter.
€ 0.38 -
Calan SR
verapamil- 120mg
- 240mg
Generic Calan Sustained-Release is used for treating high blood pressure. It may be used alone or other medicines.
€ 0.79 -
Jenerik Cartia
diltiazem hcl- 30mg
- 60mg
- 90mg
- 120mg
Generic Cartia is used for treating high blood pressure and chronic stable angina (chest pain). It may be used alone or in combination with other medicines.
€ 0.79 -
Cartia XT
diltiazem hcl- 90mg
- 120mg
- 180mg
Generic Cartia XT is used for treating high blood pressure and chronic stable angina (chest pain). It may be used alone or in combination with other medicines.
€ 1.02 -
Jenerik Colcrys
colchicine- 0.5mg
Generic Colcrys is used for treating and preventing pain associated with gouty arthritis.
€ 0.50 -
Jenerik Cordarone
amiodarone- 100mg
- 200mg
Generic Cordarone is an antiarrhythmic medication that affects the rhythm of heartbeats. It is used to help keep the heart beating normally in people with life-threatening heart rhythm disorders.
€ 0.95 -
Jenerik Coreg
carvedilol- 3.125mg
- 6.25mg
- 12.5mg
- 25mg
Generic Coreg is used for treating high blood pressure or certain types of heart failure. It may also be used after a heart attack to improve survival in certain patients. It may be used along with other medicines.
€ 0.53 -
Jenerik Crestor
rosuvastatin- 5mg
- 10mg
- 20mg
- 40mg
Generic Crestor is a cholesterol-lowering medication that blocks the production of cholesterol in the body. It works by reducing levels of "bad" cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein, or LDL) and triglycerides in the blood, while increasing levels of "good" cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein, or HDL).
€ 0.81 -
indinavir- 400mg
Crixivan, insan immün yetmezlik virüsünün (HIV) vücudunuzda çoğalmasını önleyen antiviral bir ilaçtır. Crixivan, edinilmiş immün yetmezlik sendromuna (AIDS) neden olabilecek virüs olan HIV'i tedavi etmek için kullanılır.
€ 15.84 -
Jenerik Desogen
desogestrel-ethinyl estradiol- 0.15mg + 30mcg
Generic Desogen is used for preventing pregnancy.
€ 1.13 -
Jenerik Detrol
tolterodine- 1mg
- 2mg
- 4mg
Generic Detrol is used for treating overactive bladder with symptoms of urinary frequency, urgency, and leakage.
€ 1.14 -
Detrol LA
tolterodine- 4mg
Generic Detrol LA is used for treating overactive bladder with symptoms of urinary frequency, urgency, and leakage.
€ 2.61 -
Jenerik Dexone
dexamethasone- 0.5mg
Generic Dexone depresses formation, release, and activity of endogenous mediators of inflammation, including prostaglandins, kinins, histamine, liposomal enzymes, and complement expression. Also modifies the body's immune response.
€ 0.53 -
Jenerik Diamox
acetazolamide- 250mg
Generic Diamox is used for treating certain types of glaucoma in combination with other medicines. It is also used to treat or prevent symptoms of mountain sickness.
€ 0.66 -
Jenerik Fansidar
sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine- 500mg + 25mg
Generic Fansidar is used for treating and preventing malaria when other medicines (eg, chloroquine) are not effective or appropriate.
€ 0.70 -
Jenerik Fasigyn
tinidazole- 500mg
Tinidazole is used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria, such as infection of the intestines or vagina. It is also used to treat certain sexually transmitted infections.
€ 0.90 -
Jenerik Frumil
amiloride and furosemide- 5mg + 40mg
Generic Frumil is a combination of two diuretics used for treating fluid retention (oedema), either in the legs or on the lungs.
€ 0.84 -
Jenerik Gleevec
imatinib- 100mg
- 400mg
Generic Gleevec interferes with the growth of some cancer cells. Generic Gleevec is used to treat certain types of leukemia (blood cancer), bone marrow disorders, and skin cancer, or certain tumors of the stomach and digestive system.
€ 4.75 -
Jenerik Ilosone
erythromycin- 250mg
- 500mg
Generic Ilosone is used to treat many kinds of infections and to prevent ''strep'' infections in patients with a history of rheumatic heart disease who may be allergic to penicillin.
€ 0.58 -
Jenerik Indocin
indomethacin- 25mg
- 50mg
Generic Indocin is used for treating moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout or certain types of bursitis and tendonitis.
€ 0.47 -
Indocin SR
indomethacin- 75mg
Generic Indocin Sustained-Release is used for treating moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout or certain types of bursitis and tendonitis.
€ 1.03 -
Jenerik Lamisil
terbinafine- 250mg
Generic Lamisil is an antifungal antibiotic. It is used to treat infections caused by fungus that affect the fingernails or toenails.
€ 2.45 -
Jenerik Lipitor
atorvastatin- 10mg
- 20mg
- 40mg
- 80mg
Generic Lipitor is a cholesterol-lowering drug. Your doctor may prescribe it along with a special diet if your blood cholesterol or triglyceride level is high and you have been unable to lower your readings by diet alone. The drug works by helping to clear harmful low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol out of the blood and by limiting the body's ability to form new LDL cholesterol.
€ 0.53 -
Jenerik Livalo
pitavastatin- 1mg
- 2mg
- 4mg
Livalo (pitavastatin), HMG CoA redüktaz inhibitörleri veya “statinler” adı verilen bir gruba aittir. Pitavastatin, kandaki “kötü” kolesterolü (düşük yoğunluklu lipoproteinler veya LDL) ve trigliserid düzeylerini düşürür ve aynı zamanda “iyi” kolesterolü (yüksek yoğunluklu lipoproteinler veya HDL) artırır. Livalo, yetişkinlerde yüksek kolesterol tedavisinde kullanılır. Kolesterolün düşürülmesi, kalp hastalıklarının veya arterlerin sertleşmesinin, kalp krizine, felce ve vasküler hastalıklara yol açabilecek durumları engelleyebilir.
€ 0.79 -
Jenerik Lodine
etodolac- 200mg
- 300mg
- 400mg
Lodine is used to relieve the inflammation, swelling, stiffness, and joint pain of osteoarthritis (the most common form of arthritis) and rheumatoid arthritis. It is also used to relieve pain in other situations.
€ 0.66 -
Jenerik Medrol Active
methylprednisolone- 4mg
- 8mg
- 16mg
Generic Medrol active is a steroid that prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation.
€ 0.57 -
Jenerik Mysoline
primidone- 250mg
Generic Mysoline is an anti-epileptic drug, also called an anticonvulsant. It is used to control seizures. It may be taken alone or with other medicines.
€ 0.79 -
Jenerik Noroxin
norfloxacin- 400mg
Generic Norfloxacin is an antibiotic in a group of drugs called fluoroquinolones. It is used to treat bacterial infections of genito-urinary tract.
€ 0.84 -
Jenerik Norvir
ritonavir- 100mg
Generic Norvir is an antiviral medication in a group of HIV medicines called protease inhibitors. It prevents human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) cells from multiplying in your body.
€ 4.75 -
Jenerik Prograf
tacrolimus- 0.5mg
- 1mg
- 5mg
Generic Prograf is used for preventing organ rejection in patients following liver, kidney or heart transplant. It may be used along with other medicines.
€ 3.97 -
Jenerik Reglan
metoclopramide- 10mg
Generic Reglan is used for short-term treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in certain patients who do not respond to other therapy. It is used to treat symptoms of a certain digestive problem in diabetic patients (diabetic gastroparesis).
€ 0.38 -
Jenerik Rifadin
rifampin- 150mg
- 300mg
- 450mg
- 600mg
Rifadin, bakteriler ile savaşan ve bakterilerin vücudunuzda yayılmasını önleyen bir antibiyotiktir. Rifadin, tüberkülozun (TB) tedavisi ve önlenmesinde kullanılır. Rifadin aynı zamanda menenjit ve diğer enfeksiyonlara neden olabilen ve burun ve boğaz bölgesinde bulunan belirli bakterilerin oranının azaltılması için de kullanılabilir. Rifadin bu bakterileri başkalarına bulaştırmanızı önler. Ancak, bu ilaç aktif bir menenjit enfeksiyonunu tedavi edemez.
€ 0.47 -
Jenerik Sporanox
itraconazole- 100mg
Generic Sporanox is an antifungal antibiotic. It is used to treat infections caused by fungus, which can invade any part of the body including the lungs, mouth or throat, toenails or fingernails.
€ 2.85 -
Jenerik Tegretol
carbamazepine- 100mg
- 200mg
- 400mg
Generic Tegretol is used for controlling certain types of epileptic seizures. It is also used to treat severe pain of the jaw or cheek caused by a facial nerve problem (trigeminal neuralgia).
€ 0.58 -
Jenerik Toradol
ketorolac- 10mg
Toradol (ketorolac), steroid olmayan bir antienflamatuar ilaçtır. Ketorolac, vücutta iltihaplanma ve ağrıya neden olan hormonları azaltarak çalışır. Toradol, orta ile şiddetli ağrıyı tedavi etmek için kısa süreli (5 gün veya daha az) kullanılır. Herhangi bir aktif veya yakın zamanda kanama, kafa travması, mide ülseri, şiddetli böbrek hastalığı, kanama veya kan pıhtılaşması bozukluğu varsa, ameliyat olması planlanıyorsa, eğer hamileliğin sonundaysanız veya bir bebeği emziriyorsanız Toradol kullanmamalısınız.
€ 0.66 -
Jenerik Tricor
fenofibrate- 160mg
- 200mg
Generic Tricor is used for controlling high cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. It is used in combination with a diet low in cholesterol and saturated fat. Generic Tricor is a lipid-lowering agent. It lowers elevated blood triglyceride levels by making the liver produce fewer triglycerides and increasing the elimination of triglycerides from the blood stream.
€ 1.19 -
Jenerik Vepesid
etoposide- 50mg
Generic Vepesid is used for treating patients with lung cancer and recurrent testicular tumors. It is used in combination with other cancer medications. VePesid is an antineoplastic. It works by stopping the tumor cells from dividing (mitosis), which prevents the spread of certain types of cancer.
€ 9.50 -
Jenerik Voltaren Gel
diclofenac sodium- 1% 21g
- 1% 30g
Voltaren Jel, nonsteroid antiinflamatuvar ilaç olan diklofenak içerir. Diklofenak, iltihap ve ağrının nedeni olan maddelerin salınımı kısaltır. Voltaren Jel el, kol bileği, dirsek, ayak ve ayak bileğindeki osteoartritten kaynaklayan eklem ağrısı tedavisi olarak kullanılır.
€ 14.24 -
Jenerik Vytorin
simvastatin ezetimibe- 20mg + 10mg
Generic Vytorin is used for treating high cholesterol along with a cholesterol-lowering diet. It works by reducing the amount of cholesterol that your body absorbs from your meals. Lowering cholesterol levels in the blood reduces the chance of heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.
€ 3.07 -
Jenerik Xenical
orlistat- 60mg
- 120mg
Xenical jenerik ilaç, 12 yaş üstü çocuklar ve yetişkinlerde obezite kontrolü için kullanılır. Ayrıca, daha önceki kilo kaybından sonra tekrar kilo alma riskini azaltmak amacıyla kıllanılır. Orlistat (etken madde), besinlerle almış olduğunuz yağ miktarını azaltır.
€ 0.90 -
Jenerik Yasmin
drospirenone - ethinyl estradiol- 3mg + 0.03mg
Generic Yasmin is used as contraception to prevent pregnancy.
€ 1.61 -
Jenerik Zetia
ezetimibe- 10mg
Generic Zetia is used for treating high blood cholesterol along with a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet. It may be used alone or with other medicines. It is also used to treat high blood sitosterol and campesterol along with diet therapy.
€ 1.11 -
Jenerik Zocor
simvastatin- 5mg
- 10mg
- 20mg
- 40mg
Generic Zocor is used for lowering high cholesterol and triglycerides in certain patients. It is used along with an appropriate diet. It is also used in certain patients to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death due to coronary heart disease. It is also used to reduce the need for medical procedures to open blocked blood vessels. It is also used in certain patients to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, blood vessel blockage, or chest pain caused by angina.
€ 0.67 -
Jenerik Zoloft
sertraline- 25mg
- 50mg
- 100mg
Zoloft (sertralin), seçici serotonin geri alım inhibitörleri (SSRI'lar) adı verilen bir grup ilaçta bulunan bir antidepresandır. Sertralin'in çalışma şekli hala tam olarak anlaşılamamıştır. Santral sinir sistemindeki sinir hücreleri arasındaki iletişimi olumlu olarak etkilediği ve / veya beyindeki kimyasal dengesini sağladığı düşünülmektedir. Zoloft depresyon, obsesif kompulsif bozukluk, panik bozukluk, anksiyete bozuklukları, travma sonrası stres bozukluğu (TSSB) ve adet öncesi disforik bozukluk (PMDD) tedavisinde kullanılır.
€ 0.47 -
Jenerik Zyloprim
allopurinol- 100mg
- 300mg
Generic Zyloprim is used in the treatment of many symptoms of gout, including acute attacks, tophi (collection of uric acid crystals in the tissues, especially around joints), joint destruction, and uric acid stones. Allopurinol works by reducing uric acid production in the body, thus preventing crystals from forming.
€ 0.40