Generisk Liv.52 - , Liv 52 Drop, Liv 52 Ds, Liv 52 Hb, Liv First, Liv.52, Livalo
Liv.52 drop®
caper bush, chicory- 60ml
Liv 52 drop®, also called Liv.52 CH® - a well-known hepatoprotective. Liv.52 protects the liver when taking liver-toxic medicine or alcohol. Contains herbs like Chicory, that protect the liver.
kr 50.01 -
Liv.52 DS®
caper bush, chicory- 1mg
Liv.52 DS is a double strength hepatospecific formulation, designed for the treatment and management of liver disorders.
kr 1.19 -
Liv.52 HB®
nut grass, umbrella's edge- 1mg
Liv 52 hb® is an effective management of hepatitis B. An double strength herbal hepatoprotective, Liv.52 protects the liver when taking liver-toxic medicine or alcohol. It also improves appetite, and promotes weight gain.
kr 4.77 -
Liv First®
guduchi, kalmegh, bhringraj...- 1mg
Liver Support Ayurvedic Formula Liver Care has the hepatoprotective & regenerative properties of Kalmegh provides support to hepatic detoxification that helps rejuvenate the liver. The antioxidant properties of Guduchi, Bhuiamla & Tulsi helps promote immunity and aids in removal of toxins from the liver and kidneys. The immunostimulant properties alongwith hepatoprotective properties of these herbs helps to stimulate expulsion of bile from liver & protect liver from free radical damage The properties of Bhringraj promotes the metabolism of liver and helps improve the strength of the body.
kr 1.43 -
liv.52- 100pills
Liv.52 - is a herbal product with hepatoprotective properties against chemically-induced hepatotoxicity. Also it helps to improve appetite.
kr 71.49 -
Generisk Livalo
pitavastatin- 1mg
- 2mg
- 4mg
Livalo (pitavastatin) hører til en gruppe midler der kaldes HMG-CoA reduktase eller statiner. Pitavastatin nedsætter niveauet af dårlig kolesterol (lavdensititets lipoproteiner eller LDL) og øger niveauet af god kolesterol (højdensititets lipoproteiner eller HDL). Livalo anvendes for at behandle øget kolesterol hos voksne. Reducering af kolesterol kan hjælpe at forebygge hjertelidelser og åreforkalkning, lidelser, der kan føre til hjerteanfald, slagtilfælde eller vaskulære sygdomme.
kr 5.97