Jenerik Losartan - , Cozaar, Hyzaar, Entresto, Inspra, Neoral
Jenerik Cozaar
losartan- 25mg
- 50mg
- 100mg
Generic Cozaar is used for treating high blood pressure. It is also used to reduce the risk of stroke in certain patients with high blood pressure and for treating kidney disease in certain patients with type 2 diabetes.
€ 0.66 -
Jenerik Hyzaar
losartan-hydrochlorothiazide- 50mg + 12.5mg
Generic Hyzaar is used for treating high blood pressure. It may be used to decrease the risk of stroke in certain patients with high blood pressure.
€ 0.91 -
Jenerik Entresto
sacubutril + valsartan- 26mg + 24mg
- 51mg + 49mg
Entresto contains a combination of sacubitril and valsartan. Sacubitril is a blood pressure medicine. It works by increasing the levels of certain proteins in the body that can dilate (widen) blood vessels. This helps lower blood pressure by reducing sodium levels. Valsartan is an angiotensin II receptor blocker (sometimes called an ARB). Valsartan keeps blood vessels from narrowing, which lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow. Entresto is used in certain people with chronic heart failure. This medicine helps lower the risk of needing to be hospitalized when symptoms get worse, and helps lower the risk of death from heart failure.
€ 6.18 -
Jenerik Inspra
eplerenone- 25mg
- 50mg
Eplerenon, vücutta aldosteron hormonunun etkilerini önlemek için kullanılır. Aldosteron, kan basıncının düzenlenmesinde önemli rol oynar. Eplerenon, kalp krizinden sonra konjestif kalp yetmezliğinin tedavisinde kullanılır. Eplerenon aynı zamanda yüksek tansiyonun (hipertansiyon) tedavisinde kullanılır.
€ 1.90 -
Jenerik Neoral
cyclosporine- 25mg
- 50mg
- 100mg
Generic Neoral is used for preventing the rejection of organ transplants (kidney, liver, and heart). This medicine is also used to treat psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis in certain patients.
€ 2.85